Burchfield English Springer Spaniels

About us

\My love for the English Springer Spaniel began in the mid 70's with the arrival of Chrismi Cornelia. "Jodie" was bred from the Oak/Crawney and Rouvain lines and was a combination of some of the top lines of the time, introduced to Australia with the import of Mompesson Midsummer Lad -  Moorcliff Freetwood Gamecock and Moorcliff Pintail.

"Jodie" was joined in 1984 by Clanach Never on Sunday and in 1985 by a very special gift from Margaret Trask - Fairsky Gemini Dream ("Miffy")

In 1985, having had Springers for some 8 years , and with never ending advice from Margaret, our first Burchfield litter was born in January 1986. This litter was sired by Eng Ch/Aust Ch Moorcliff Kalico ( imp UK) and two  puppies were chosen from this litter, named Burchfield Seranade and Burchfield Sarabande. The puppies were all tested for Fucosidosis and it was decided to keep Sarabande ("Piper") as his test was clear.

"Miffy" had a second litter for us, when mated to Ch Clanach Wrath O"Khan. Burchfield Azzurra ("Velvet") stayed with us and Intrepid went to Margaret Trask, where he made his mark at Fairsky. "Miffy" was shown to her title by my  youngest daughter, Melinda, who at the time was just 8.  Melinda's first champion.

Fairsky Sherlock Holmes, ("Cruise'), a son of Intrepid, came to Burchfield and he  was mated to Azzurra, producing 6 beautiful puppies in 1988. Azzurra died when the  puppies were only days old, due to the recurrence of symptoms of lead poisoning. Azzurra had been treated for  these effects 12 months previously and had been cleared  before we mated her, however she started fitting during the pregnancy and became uncontrollable after the puppies were born. The puppies, of course were subjected to constant testing and when given the "all clear" Top Gun went back to Fairsky and Kokomo and Risky Biz stayed with us.  Kokomo made her title with ease and Melinda again took the lead and titled Risky Biz.

In 1992, after more tests to make sure Kokomo didn't have any traces of lead in her system, we mated her to Sarabande, and ten puppies were born. The puppy we kept was Call me Madam ("Jordan").  Jordan's success was nothing short of amazing, reaching the top of her career at 8. "Jordie" had been Runner up BOB to all the top dogs of the time at Sydney and Melbourne Royals and our Specialty shows, and managed to  beat them to BOB on four occassions, at Specialty Shows. Jordan became our first Australian Grand Champion.

I had leased Rothley Camelot ("Lottie") from Angela Towle in 1992 and we had a litter with her, mated to Tarnell Blaze O"Glory. Burchfield Highwayman ("Cricket") went to Fairsky, Burchfield Royalist ("Boy") went to Erica Riley-Robinson. Erica had not intended to show Boy, but the opportunity arose and amongst numerous other wins, Boy achieved a Specialty BIS and an All Breeds BIS

In October 1994 we mated "Jordan" to Fairsky Hercule Poirot and a litter 8 puppies was born.  Two puppies stayed at Burchfield. Mademoiselle ("Libbie") and Savoir Faire ("Webster").  Libbie did well in the showring, as a youngster, but was retired at 4 , after surgery for cancer.  Webster, on the other hand, was a particularly gawky youngster, who made things worse by trying to watch his handler's face whilst showing. Webster did a great deal of winning once he matured though, and went on to win Best of Breed and the final cut for the Gundog Group at Sydney Royal in 2002. Webster lived with my elder daughter, Rowena and her daughter Amber, who at just 4 , has been practicing her " ringcraft" with him in the backyard.  Amber is having great difficulty, at present, understanding why Webster, who would have been 14 this year,  has chosen to live in Heaven and can't come home.

1995 we mated Mademoiselle( "Libbie") to Alhambra Oliver Reed and just one  puppy was born. Burchfield Edith Piaf("Bridie")

2000 we mated Bridie to Clanach Coup deTat, producing 6 puppies and in this case the puppy we kept was Burchfield Fin McCool ("Brock")

2002 we mated Bridie again, this time to Burchfield Savoir Faire and 8 puppies were born. We kept "Molly Mallone ("Millie") - Cpt Moonlight ("Bennie")  went to Bogaloos kennel in Finland and ("Harrigan") went to the Pearce family in Newcastle. Cpt Moonlight became a Finnish/Russian and Swedish Champion by the time he was 2 and Harrigan won his title and  Best in Show at the ACT Gundog Show

2003 became the start of the Black/White Springers at Burchfield. Fairsky Perfect Murder ("Destiny") came from Fairsky and was mated to Savoir Faire. Two Black/white dogs were kept. Rueben James ("Chester") is here at Burchfield and we are working at Obedience. Toby Tyler ("Stitch") went to Perth and is now part of the Skyview Kennel- Stitch was BOB at Perth Royal in 2005

2004 we sent Perfect Murder to Tasmania to be mated to Aust Grand Champion Beautelle Shiraz.  Only three puppies survived and the puppy we kept was called Destnys Child ("Amy")

2006 saw the AI mating of Destiny to frozen semen from Bogaloos Nostradamus ("Walle"). This exciting litter gave us Nordic Ice ("Blake") and Dimonds on Ice ("Gemma") and a partnership with Norm Douglas in Dancin on Ice ("Flicka")

2007 we mated Nordic Ice to Destnys Child and we have kept Sudnly Spring ("Summer").  Summer has already beaten her father to BOB once and we have high hopes for her future.

Since moving to Dural we have lost a number of dogs to Paralysis Ticks, namely Blake, Chester, Brock and baby Jessica Fletcher. Just recently we nearly lost Bronte as well, but we managed to find the tick after a complete shave, 

More than 30 years have passed since that first Burchfield litter was born, and there have been many high points and a number of heartbreaks along the way. I remain steadfast in my belief that the English Springer should be capable of doing a days "work" in the field if required, or be happy to "babysit" the children and loaf around the house 

I have put together a pictorial history of the Kennel, please feel free to take the journey.


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Contact Details
Carolyn Burch & Melinda Perrett
Glenhaven, NSW, Australia
Phone : +61418114636
Email : [email protected]

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